The design of today's modern iron stairs is not as elaborate in the scrollwork as the traditional styles are. You can find them with plain twisted spindles or even flat spindles. The material can be wrought iron or cast iron. The spindles for these types of stairs are generally referred to as panels because most of them incorporate a whole design in the space between the spindles. You have the option of choosing the parts separately and combining them to create an original piece.
Choosing your own style of balusters, hand rails, fittings and panels allows you to design the type of staircase you would like to have in your home. You can use stairs outdoors as well as indoors. For homes that might have an added apartment area over the garage an outdoor spiral staircase would add a touch of elegance to the area. This could be a nice touch if the area to access the apartment unit is in the backyard where you have landscaping and other nice outdoor furniture.
Corner Shelf Unit
A metal style of staircase is also easier to care for. The traditional painted wooden styles that are often used for outdoor or exterior access to a room or building will become weathered over time. They have to be scraped down and repainted periodically or they start to look unattractive. Choosing the kind of staircase that would be best for your home is easy when you consult with a professional. The right choice will not only be functional, but visually appealing as well.